Inspired by a “Three Visits to a Hidden Tribe” by Jared Roberts
For Kansas City Star's "Oscar Up for Grabs"
For Kansas City Star's FYI page, about the end of Downton Abbey
For the Kansas City Star, 2016
Art Pop, formerly known as Patron Preview, is Kansas City Art Institute's exclusive sneak peak at end of the year galleries. The Micro team rebranded the entire event, from name to event guides.
During Art Pop, I was mostly responsible for the invitiation.
Logo design concepts once the clients decided on Art Pop as the final name. The middle left ended up being chosen as the final logo.
We decided we wanted the invite to be a standing square to reference an actual gallery room. The sides use artwork from Emily Woodson's art in the Art Pop Save The Date mailer.
Interior drawing by Maddi Crabtree.
The previous interior drawing was decided too lifeless. Frances Maley provided the lines for this one, which I edited and added color to in photoshop. Overall, our team decided there still wasn't enough illustration in the invite itself.
I ended up illustrating a gallery scene. I also suggested that having someone on the exterior flaps (when the invite is flat) contemplating an art piece would provoke the viewer's curiosity to open the invite, and be pleasantly be surprised by a bustling party scene.
To be the initial face of the invite and take up so much visual hierarchy, the woman on the exterior had to be perfect. I did multiple variations, inspired by a cubist look to give some modernity to the otherwise bright and explosive colors the clients desired.
Finally we decided to make the front woman a combination of elements from the previous variations. The team really liked her tattoo mirroring a painting.
The subteam for the envelope was designing the piece with linework from the Save the Date mailer, but the overall team decided the envelope ended up looking too corporate as a result. I suggested we use a translucent envelope that would be fresher and more eye catching than most mail. This option would also let the invite's design show through and speak for itself.
Work on Art Pop was continued into Winter 2016, during which I had left Micro for an internship at the KC Star.
The remaining Art Pop team made edits according to the clients' desires: (making the background white, removing cubist eccentricties)
Gif made by Cory Montero using my illustrations. Made for the KCAI Art Pop's facebook page.